+62361 4490460



Overall Life Expectancy Chart 2014.

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We might live a life story we have always dreamed of, but have we think about our loved ones future? How could we hug them tightly in each stage of their life when our time is limited? Life cover will be the answer.

Life cover are protection policies that pay a lump sum or regular payments in the event of the life assured premature death. There are various types of life cover policies.

The concept of Life Assurance and why it continues to remain the cornerstone of one’s financial planning. Basically, Life Assurance pays out a lump sum after the insured has died. Let’s face it, if the main breadwinner were to die prematurely then that basically puts paid to the surviving family ever achieving their future financial objectives, as life potentially becomes even more of a struggle. This is the main reason why people purchase life cover. They want to ensure that their loved ones continue in the lifestyle that they have become accustomed to and not to have to worry where the next dollar is coming from. Does this make logical sense? Life insurance provides protection for families or even for businesses. What would happen to your business if a key person were to die? What would happen to your ongoing projects? How long would it take to replace this person? All these situations have to be taken into consideration. If an unforeseen event does occur, then your family would want to know that they are at least provided for. If anything happened to you, would your loved ones have enough money to maintain their standard of living? Even if you have mortgage insurance, the answer is probably ‘No’ – as the basic cost of living is expensive, protecting yourself with life insurance could be one of the most important decisions you take, this will give you peace of mind in the knowledge you have protection for the people you love and are responsible for. If you would like us to provide you with a personalised quotation for Life Assurance then Contact us.  

Why is Life Insurance Necessary? After your death, the lump sum that is paid out will ensure that your surviving family has enough money to enable them to live a comfortable life. To obtain your personalised Life Assurance quotation then please Contact us. What types of life cover protection are available? Level Term and Whole of Life are the two main types of life cover. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. What is level term assurance? Level term assurance is a fixed term policy, meaning that the assurance will last for a certain period of time. The policy will pay out a guaranteed sum assured that will be paid only on death during the fixed term. Should the person assured survive, there will be no benefit. Contact us with your details and we will email you information by return. What is whole life insurance? Whole life insurance is a policy that will pay out on death at any time of the person whose life is assured, as long as the whole life insurance policy is still in force. You will be expected to pay premiums on the whole life throughout your life or until the person whose life is assured reaches a certain age, when premiums could stop, but cover continues. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. Which life cover product is best for me? There are several types of Life Cover products, including some that offer only Life cover and some that combine with critical illness cover. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How much life cover do I need? You can choose the level of your premium or cover. Most people opt to cover the cost of their outstanding liabilities, plus an amount that will produce an income for your dependents. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How long will I need Cover? Your policy should last at least as long as your mortgage or until your dependents would be expected to be no longer dependent on you. We reckon that 20 years is about right for most people. Or until your savings can provide for you and your partner. We think by the time you’re 60 should do it. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. On what basis can a plan be taken out? The contract can be made on either Single life, First life or Joint life basis. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. What is my commitment? You must pay a premium either regularly or by way of a lump sum payment, you should view your contract as being for the medium to long term. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. OK, HOW DO I OBTAIN MY PERSONAL QUOTATION OR ASK FURTHER QUESTIONS? If you would like a free assessment of the costs and benefits involved with purchasing Life Assurance then click here. We will follow up with either a request for further information or a suitable recommendation for your needs much will it cost? This is dependent on many things, how much income you want in retirement, how long before you want to retire and what investment strategy you want to commit to. Contact us with your details and we will e-mail you Information by return. At what age should I start? The sooner you start the more likelihood of being in a position to have the choice to stop working when you want to. Contact us with your details and we will e-mail you Information by return. How much income will I receive? This will depend on the value of you fund. Contact us with your details and we will e-mail you Information by return. What amount of risk will my investment be subjected to? This will depend on what type of investment you decide on and the amount of risk you are comfortable with. Contact us with your details and we will e-mail you Information by return. What level of return could I expect? This will depend on what type of investment you decide and the risk you are prepared to take. Contact us with your details and we will e-mail you Information by return. Do you have Frozen or deferred UK pension Fund? If the answer is yes have you considered your options? Contact us with your details and we will e-mail you Information by return. Would you like a tax free cash sum before you retire? If your are over the age of 50 you could potentially release up to 25% of your pension fund as tax free cash. Contact us with your details and we will e-mail you Information by return. Do you need to take your pension early or would you like to have control of when you took your pension benefits? You can opt to take your pension benefits any time from the age 50. Contact us with your details and we will e-mail you Information by return. Do you want to take control of your pension investment decisions? You can potentially take control of the investment decisions and investment in markets of your choice with advice if required. Contact us with your details and we will e-mail you Information by return. Do you want your pension fund to die with you? You could keep your pension fund alive after your death to pass on to your spouse or dependents. Contact us with your details and we will e-mail you Information by return. Will transferring my pension fund be the best option for me? We can give a independent and impartial advice to assist you to make an informed decision of the best options for you. Contact us with your details and we will e-mail you information by return. OK, HOW DO I OBTAIN MY PERSONAL QUOTATION OR ASK FURTHER QUESTIONS? If you would like a free assessment of the costs and benefits involved with a Pension then click here. We will follow up promptly for you with relevant information.

Need Life Cover?
Fill out our quick information request form

* indicates required field

(example: USD 100.000 / USD 200.000 / etc, can be more than 1 option)

(The options: 5 - 35 years / To age 80 / To age 90 / To age 99, can be more than 1 option)

Ph.: +62361 4490460

e-Mail : bhfs@cbn.net.id

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