+62361 4490460



At B.H.Financial Services our Health Cover plans can include:

  • Medical Insurance
  • Life Cover
  • Critical Illness
  • Income Protection Plan
  • Travel Insurance

Contact us today for a free no obligation appraisal of your Health Cover !

Medical insurance (sometimes called health insurance) has become a vital component to everyone’s financial planning. Due to the cost of health and hospital care, Medical insurance has become a necessary, although not a mandatory, purchase. Medical insurance is, basically, a promise by an insurance company or health plan to provide or pay for health care services in exchange for payment of premiums. Fortunately a lot of employers cover the cost of providing medical benefits cover, however what if your company do not provide health benefits or you are a contractor, self employed or even retired?

There are many reasons to purchase medical insurance for you and your family. The most important one is simply that medical charges can run into the tens of thousands of dollars or more for a single injury or illness. Furthermore, the cost for hospitalization and treatment of injuries continues to rise at a rate that exceeds inflation. Health insurance is essential in this day and age because a single accident or serious illness could wipe out your savings and plunge you into debt. You can’t predict the future. That’s why there’s insurance – for the times you need it most. Should you or your loved ones suffer a serious illness or accident, be sure to have the right coverage. Medical Insurance is a vital part of the precautions you take for your family’s welfare and financial security.  

Who can buy a medical insurance Plan? Medical Plans are available to global clients and expatriates of all nationalities throughout the world. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How much will it cost? This will depend on your age, plan type, selected excess and area of cover needed. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return.

Whereas life insurance has been readily available for literally hundreds of years, critical illness insurance is a relatively recent development. Having a serious illness is not something any of us likes to think about. But it happens. Treating and coping with illness can mean significant and often unexpected costs including time away from your work.

What would you do if you had to give up your employment and stop earning money owing to severe ill health? How would you support your family if you were diagnosed with cancer, or you suffered a heart attack and can no longer go to work? If and when severe illness strikes, improvements in healthy living and medical science means there is a good chance that you will recover and get on with your life. Advances in medicine mean that even when diagnosed with a very serious disease, you are likely to survive. Critical Illness Insurance protects families and individuals against the financial hardships resulting from suffering a major illness. It does that by paying a lump sum depending on the amount of your cover. Critical Illness cover can also be called upon in the event of permanent and total disability or diagnosis of one of a number of specified serious illnesses. A person taking out a critical illness insurance policy will pay regular premium. The amount of the premiums will depend on certain factors, such as age, whether or not you smoke, family history (many critical illnesses are hereditary), and the level of critical illnesses insurance cover required.

Why is Critical Illness Insurance Necessary? 1. Life insurance pays on death, or when the insured is terminally ill, with no long term living benefits. 2. Disability insurance replaces income, but is insufficient for the added burden of medical expenses. 3. Personal and retirement savings have intended purposes, other than medical expenses. 4. Long term care insurance is too restrictive and inflexible. 5. Many critical illness victims make a full recovery after a lengthy expensive treatment period. 6. With your details and we will email you information by return.

Does Critical Illness Insurance pay in addition to other insurance, such as income protection? Yes, Critical Illness benefits are paid in addition to other benefits; it is not intended to replace them. Income Protection insurance plans typically pay you a % of your salary, for the period of time that you are unable to perform your work. Critical Illness insurance gives you options not available with Income Protection Insurance. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. Which Critical Illness product is best for me? There are several types of Critical Illness products, including some that offer only critical illness coverage and some that combine critical illness coverage with death benefits. with your details and we will email you Information by return. I am a homemaker. Because I do not have a traditional occupation, can I purchase Critical Illness coverage? As a homemaker you can purchase Critical Illness coverage. The same goes for many other occupations that Income Protection is not available to. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. On what basis can a plan be taken out? The contract can be made on either a first life or joint life basis. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How much critical illness cover do I need? You can choose the level of your premium or cover. Most people opt to cover the cost of their outstanding mortgage loan, plus a bit more. Your policy should last at least as long as your mortgage. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. What illnesses and other conditions are included in the critical illness Cover? The following core conditions are covered (most critical illness claims arise from These conditions): heart attack, stroke, coronary artery bypass surgery, kidney failure, cancer, major organ transplant, heart valve replacement or repair, aorta surgery, terminal illness and multiple sclerosis. We also cover major burns and Paraplegia/paralysis. We also cover total and permanent disability based on becoming permanently unable to follow any occupation for profit or reward up to age 65. Thereafter the benefit will be paid if you are unable to perform three of the five normal activities of daily living. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. When are benefits paid? Benefits will be paid following the receipt of satisfactory evidence of a claim. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. What is my commitment? You must pay a premium either each year or every six months and you should view your contract as being for the medium to long term. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. OK, HOW DO I OBTAIN MY PERSONAL QUOTATION OR ASK FURTHER QUESTIONS? If you would like a free assessment of the costs and benefits involved with Critical Illness Insurance then click here. We will follow up promptly for you with relevant information.

Most of us rely entirely on the health benefits provided to us by our employers. Am I correct in saying this? However, what would happen to your income if you were to suffer a prolonged absence from work owing to an illness or accident? Do you actually realise that your company income benefits could reduce over time or, if you are contracted or even self employed, may not even exist!

Income protection is the cornerstone of financial planning. Without the ability to provide an income owing to illness or accident, the resultant loss of yours, and your family’s financial security could be devastating. Notwithstanding the fact that any future financial objectives such as holidays, school fees and eventual retirement, along with the boat that you had always dreamed about, would be impossible to achieve. All of this in addition to your every day needs such as food, car and house payments!. An Income Protection Plan will provide you with a regular monthly income when an illness or injury prevents you from working. The income will start after a deferment period of three or six months and you can select which deferment period suits your requirements according to the commencement of any shortfall which you otherwise would have received from your company. The income will continue to be paid until you are fit enough to return to work. However, if you are never fit enough to return to work the replacement income could be paid until you reach age 65, which would normally be your retirement age

Who can apply for cover? The Income Protection plan is available to working expatriates between the ages of 18 and 55. You must be in good health, and in a non-hazardous occupation. The plan is also available to people who are self-employed. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return How much does it cost? Your annual premium will depend upon your age, the amount of cover you require and the deferment period you select. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How much cover can I buy? You can insure up to 75% of your current annual salary subject to a maximum annual benefit of £90,000 or US$144,000 or €144,000. In the event of a claim, we will ask for proof of your salary at the time you become disabled. The amount of benefit you can claim cannot be more than 75% of your pre-disability salary. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. What is the deferment period? The deferment period is the waiting period during which no benefit is paid. When making your application you must decide which deferment period you require. You can choose between a three-month deferment period, or a six-month deferment period. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. When does my Income Protection Plan pay me a benefit? If after taking out the plan you have an accident or suffer an illness which prevents you from working for a continuous period of longer than your chosen deferment period, you can start claiming your Income Protection benefit. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How much benefit will the plan pay me? If you become Totally Disabled as a result of sickness or an accident, you can claim an income benefit based on the LOWER of: a) the benefit you have insured, Or b) 75% of your pre-disability salary, (or, if you are self-employed, 75% of your average annual earnings over the past three years), LESS any state benefits you are receiving and/or any other disability benefit, retirement income or social income received from any source. This means that if you are entitled to any benefit from the state or from another disability insurance policy, the amount of benefit you can claim from your Income Protection Plan may be reduced. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return What is the definition of Total Disability? You are Totally Disabled if you are not able to perform the principal duties of your Own Occupation and you are not following any other occupation. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How long will the income benefit be paid for? Benefit ceases to be paid upon the earlier of the following: a) when you are medically fit enough to return to work, b) when you die, c) when you attain age 65. Notwithstanding (a) above, if after benefit has been paid for a period of twenty four months you are fit enough to follow any other gainful occupation for which you are reasonably fitted by training, education or experience, then no further benefit will be paid. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return What happens if I am fit enough to return to part time work? As soon as you are fit enough to return to work, even on a part-time basis, your benefit will cease. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. What happens if I return to work and then suffer a relapse? If following a period of disability during which benefit is payable you return to work but within 26 weeks from the date of your return you again become disabled from the same cause as the previous disability, your benefit will re-commence immediately. If during a period of up to twice the deferred period, you suffer successive periods of disability from the same cause amounting in total to the deferred period, then benefit shall commence to be payable. In determining the amount of benefit, reference shall be made to your salary at the commencement of the earliest such period of disability. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return What if I am never fit enough to return to any kind of work? Your benefit payments will be paid to you until you reach age 65. The amount of benefit paid will increase by 2% compound each year. Benefit payments automatically cease upon death. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. OK, HOW DO I OBTAIN MY PERSONAL QUOTATION OR ASK FURTHER QUESTIONS? If you would like a free assessment of the costs and benefits involved with Income Protection Insurance item then click here. We will follow up with either a request for further information or a suitable recommendation for your needs.

Need Health Cover?
Fill out our quick information request form

* indicates required field

(When you choose In-Patient only, you will be covered only if you stay in hospital.)
(When you choose In-Patient with Out-Patient, you will be covered whether you stay in hospital or not.)

If yes, please explain/mention below.

Ph.: +62361 4490460

e-Mail : bhfs@cbn.net.id

© 2025 B.H.Financial Services

Website Designed By Responsive Web Design Bali

+62361 4490460



At B.H.Financial Services our Health Cover plans can include:

  • Medical Insurance
  • Life Cover
  • Critical Illness
  • Income Protection Plan
  • Travel Insurance

Contact us today for a free no obligation appraisal of your Health Cover !

Medical insurance (sometimes called health insurance) has become a vital component to everyone’s financial planning. Due to the cost of health and hospital care, Medical insurance has become a necessary, although not a mandatory, purchase. Medical insurance is, basically, a promise by an insurance company or health plan to provide or pay for health care services in exchange for payment of premiums. Fortunately a lot of employers cover the cost of providing medical benefits cover, however what if your company do not provide health benefits or you are a contractor, self employed or even retired?

There are many reasons to purchase medical insurance for you and your family. The most important one is simply that medical charges can run into the tens of thousands of dollars or more for a single injury or illness. Furthermore, the cost for hospitalization and treatment of injuries continues to rise at a rate that exceeds inflation. Health insurance is essential in this day and age because a single accident or serious illness could wipe out your savings and plunge you into debt. You can’t predict the future. That’s why there’s insurance – for the times you need it most. Should you or your loved ones suffer a serious illness or accident, be sure to have the right coverage. Medical Insurance is a vital part of the precautions you take for your family’s welfare and financial security.  

Who can buy a medical insurance Plan? Medical Plans are available to global clients and expatriates of all nationalities throughout the world. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How much will it cost? This will depend on your age, plan type, selected excess and area of cover needed. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return.

Whereas life insurance has been readily available for literally hundreds of years, critical illness insurance is a relatively recent development. Having a serious illness is not something any of us likes to think about. But it happens. Treating and coping with illness can mean significant and often unexpected costs including time away from your work.

What would you do if you had to give up your employment and stop earning money owing to severe ill health? How would you support your family if you were diagnosed with cancer, or you suffered a heart attack and can no longer go to work? If and when severe illness strikes, improvements in healthy living and medical science means there is a good chance that you will recover and get on with your life. Advances in medicine mean that even when diagnosed with a very serious disease, you are likely to survive. Critical Illness Insurance protects families and individuals against the financial hardships resulting from suffering a major illness. It does that by paying a lump sum depending on the amount of your cover. Critical Illness cover can also be called upon in the event of permanent and total disability or diagnosis of one of a number of specified serious illnesses. A person taking out a critical illness insurance policy will pay regular premium. The amount of the premiums will depend on certain factors, such as age, whether or not you smoke, family history (many critical illnesses are hereditary), and the level of critical illnesses insurance cover required.

Why is Critical Illness Insurance Necessary? 1. Life insurance pays on death, or when the insured is terminally ill, with no long term living benefits. 2. Disability insurance replaces income, but is insufficient for the added burden of medical expenses. 3. Personal and retirement savings have intended purposes, other than medical expenses. 4. Long term care insurance is too restrictive and inflexible. 5. Many critical illness victims make a full recovery after a lengthy expensive treatment period. 6. With your details and we will email you information by return.

Does Critical Illness Insurance pay in addition to other insurance, such as income protection? Yes, Critical Illness benefits are paid in addition to other benefits; it is not intended to replace them. Income Protection insurance plans typically pay you a % of your salary, for the period of time that you are unable to perform your work. Critical Illness insurance gives you options not available with Income Protection Insurance. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. Which Critical Illness product is best for me? There are several types of Critical Illness products, including some that offer only critical illness coverage and some that combine critical illness coverage with death benefits. with your details and we will email you Information by return. I am a homemaker. Because I do not have a traditional occupation, can I purchase Critical Illness coverage? As a homemaker you can purchase Critical Illness coverage. The same goes for many other occupations that Income Protection is not available to. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. On what basis can a plan be taken out? The contract can be made on either a first life or joint life basis. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How much critical illness cover do I need? You can choose the level of your premium or cover. Most people opt to cover the cost of their outstanding mortgage loan, plus a bit more. Your policy should last at least as long as your mortgage. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. What illnesses and other conditions are included in the critical illness Cover? The following core conditions are covered (most critical illness claims arise from These conditions): heart attack, stroke, coronary artery bypass surgery, kidney failure, cancer, major organ transplant, heart valve replacement or repair, aorta surgery, terminal illness and multiple sclerosis. We also cover major burns and Paraplegia/paralysis. We also cover total and permanent disability based on becoming permanently unable to follow any occupation for profit or reward up to age 65. Thereafter the benefit will be paid if you are unable to perform three of the five normal activities of daily living. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. When are benefits paid? Benefits will be paid following the receipt of satisfactory evidence of a claim. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. What is my commitment? You must pay a premium either each year or every six months and you should view your contract as being for the medium to long term. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. OK, HOW DO I OBTAIN MY PERSONAL QUOTATION OR ASK FURTHER QUESTIONS? If you would like a free assessment of the costs and benefits involved with Critical Illness Insurance then click here. We will follow up promptly for you with relevant information.

Most of us rely entirely on the health benefits provided to us by our employers. Am I correct in saying this? However, what would happen to your income if you were to suffer a prolonged absence from work owing to an illness or accident? Do you actually realise that your company income benefits could reduce over time or, if you are contracted or even self employed, may not even exist!

Income protection is the cornerstone of financial planning. Without the ability to provide an income owing to illness or accident, the resultant loss of yours, and your family’s financial security could be devastating. Notwithstanding the fact that any future financial objectives such as holidays, school fees and eventual retirement, along with the boat that you had always dreamed about, would be impossible to achieve. All of this in addition to your every day needs such as food, car and house payments!. An Income Protection Plan will provide you with a regular monthly income when an illness or injury prevents you from working. The income will start after a deferment period of three or six months and you can select which deferment period suits your requirements according to the commencement of any shortfall which you otherwise would have received from your company. The income will continue to be paid until you are fit enough to return to work. However, if you are never fit enough to return to work the replacement income could be paid until you reach age 65, which would normally be your retirement age

Who can apply for cover? The Income Protection plan is available to working expatriates between the ages of 18 and 55. You must be in good health, and in a non-hazardous occupation. The plan is also available to people who are self-employed. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return How much does it cost? Your annual premium will depend upon your age, the amount of cover you require and the deferment period you select. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How much cover can I buy? You can insure up to 75% of your current annual salary subject to a maximum annual benefit of £90,000 or US$144,000 or €144,000. In the event of a claim, we will ask for proof of your salary at the time you become disabled. The amount of benefit you can claim cannot be more than 75% of your pre-disability salary. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. What is the deferment period? The deferment period is the waiting period during which no benefit is paid. When making your application you must decide which deferment period you require. You can choose between a three-month deferment period, or a six-month deferment period. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. When does my Income Protection Plan pay me a benefit? If after taking out the plan you have an accident or suffer an illness which prevents you from working for a continuous period of longer than your chosen deferment period, you can start claiming your Income Protection benefit. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How much benefit will the plan pay me? If you become Totally Disabled as a result of sickness or an accident, you can claim an income benefit based on the LOWER of: a) the benefit you have insured, Or b) 75% of your pre-disability salary, (or, if you are self-employed, 75% of your average annual earnings over the past three years), LESS any state benefits you are receiving and/or any other disability benefit, retirement income or social income received from any source. This means that if you are entitled to any benefit from the state or from another disability insurance policy, the amount of benefit you can claim from your Income Protection Plan may be reduced. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return What is the definition of Total Disability? You are Totally Disabled if you are not able to perform the principal duties of your Own Occupation and you are not following any other occupation. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. How long will the income benefit be paid for? Benefit ceases to be paid upon the earlier of the following: a) when you are medically fit enough to return to work, b) when you die, c) when you attain age 65. Notwithstanding (a) above, if after benefit has been paid for a period of twenty four months you are fit enough to follow any other gainful occupation for which you are reasonably fitted by training, education or experience, then no further benefit will be paid. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return What happens if I am fit enough to return to part time work? As soon as you are fit enough to return to work, even on a part-time basis, your benefit will cease. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. What happens if I return to work and then suffer a relapse? If following a period of disability during which benefit is payable you return to work but within 26 weeks from the date of your return you again become disabled from the same cause as the previous disability, your benefit will re-commence immediately. If during a period of up to twice the deferred period, you suffer successive periods of disability from the same cause amounting in total to the deferred period, then benefit shall commence to be payable. In determining the amount of benefit, reference shall be made to your salary at the commencement of the earliest such period of disability. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return What if I am never fit enough to return to any kind of work? Your benefit payments will be paid to you until you reach age 65. The amount of benefit paid will increase by 2% compound each year. Benefit payments automatically cease upon death. Contact us with your details and we will email you Information by return. OK, HOW DO I OBTAIN MY PERSONAL QUOTATION OR ASK FURTHER QUESTIONS? If you would like a free assessment of the costs and benefits involved with Income Protection Insurance item then click here. We will follow up with either a request for further information or a suitable recommendation for your needs.

Get a Free Quote

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For medical cover, please answer the questions below

Need Health Cover?
Fill out our quick information request form

* indicates required field

(When you choose In-Patient only, you will be covered only if you stay in hospital.)
(When you choose In-Patient with Out-Patient, you will be covered whether you stay in hospital or not.)

If yes, please explain/mention below.

Ph.: +62361 4490460

e-Mail : bhfs@cbn.net.id

© 2025 B.H.Financial Services

Website Designed By Responsive Web Design Bali